As a professional organizer, I helped many people with lots of clutter. I believe that many homes are more and more cluttered every day and it truly becomes a huge problem. At the same time, however, I’m getting sick of hearing the word “clutter”. I think it’s becoming overused to the point that people think every pile they see is clutter. That’s not true! I usually have a pile of paperwork of my active work on my desk and on my dining room table. Is it clutter? No way! I love to watch tv and being productive at the same time. My papers come and go, and that is not clutter.
The Shocking Truth About Clutter: It’s Not Always Bad: clutter, clutter not always bad, solutions for clutter. Read more
- As long it does’t lack your productivity. I believe that being productive allows us to accomplish our daily and long term tasks and goals, and overall makes us happy.
- If some of your displays bring you positive emotions. Some people think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas. I totally understand that concept of temporary displaying your work or ideas. However, If you do have true clutter, which are piles that have been there awhile that you aren’t using, don’t need, or make you feel overwhelmed or anxious, You need to take some action to work on these things.
- Some of your clutter is stuff without a home. Solution? Find a home!! I always believe in categorizing and finding home for all your items.
- Some of your clutter is created simply because you bought it on sale or it was free. Someone passed away in your family and you took it. The next thing it is stored in your basement and it doesn’t see a day light. Solution: Only buy it if you really need it or give away/sell it if you are not going to use it.
- Some of your clutter is there because you hold onto too many sentimental items. Solution: It is the most toughest to get rid off items when we have sentimental value. Solution: Bring someone that you can trust and ask for help, and someone who is not emotionally attached to your things.
- Some of your clutter are things that you don’t need or you don’t use it. Solution: Get rid of it! Donate, discard or to sell!
- Some of your clutter has to do with things you want to do “eventually” or the “unfinished projects you want to do someday. We are surrounded by crafts, books and magazines you want to read, etc. Solution: Give yourself a deadline to get it done if it’s really important. Again, ask yourself a question: ” Do I need it, do I want it?